Duration 18’30”
HD Video, Colour, Stereo
Sound - Amias Hanley 
Movement-  Devika Bilimoria
Video - Devika and Amias
Brunswick Mechanics Institute: creative development residency

SUPPORTED BY NEXT WAVE and was presented as a part of TROC TALKS ONLINE with Trocadero Art Space.

This work in progress video piece endeavours to reveal the imbrication of human and machine expressions and rhythms, the sensation between skin and sound, proximity and distance. It aims to express the thickness and amplification of sensorial encounters through electromagnetic listening, and movement—bringing attention to a space in between—an INTERWORLD.

We draw on new materialist and queer theories, specifically those of Elizabeth Freeman, Sarah Ahmed, Stacy Alaimo and Astrida Neimanis, to inform our relationship to ‘the temporal frame of thick time—a transcorporeal stretching between present, future, and past’ (Neimanis and Lowen Walker), in order to interpret the space between our bodies, our digital devices and each other.

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